I’m New
I’m New: (A note from Pastor Joshua)
Welcome to Pacific Islands Bible Church. As the Senior Pastor of PIBC, it is my prayer, hope, and joy for you to be a part of our Ohana (family) as we share in fellowship (community) with our Lord Jesus Christ. As a newcomer to PIBC, I first want to welcome you to our Ohana by explaining what you will most likely encounter on your first (few) visit(s).
First, we have two parking lots; one in front of the church and one behind the church. Connecting these two parking lots are two one-way roads that wrap around the structural building of PIBC. If you need a closer parking space, we have three designated handicapped parking places located by the greeter’s tent. Simply drive up to the front door and park.
Second, a typical Sunday service lasts approximately one hour. We worship in song for about 20-30 minutes followed up with a practical 30-minute lesson. It should be important to note that our service starts at 10:00 AM. There is generally a ten-minute break between the singing and the beginning of the sermon. This ten-minute break allows parents to sign their children into our Keiki Sunday School.
Thirdly, our band(s) generally sing from four to six songs. We do not have a pause during our praise time, once the singing begins there is no break until the bands step down from the stage. When the band members step down from the stage this is the designated time for announcements. If by chance, someone misses the announcements, they are also printed on the Sunday Bulletin along with the sermon notes. Please ensure to ask the greeters for the church bulletin.
Finally, if you would like to listen or watch Pastor Joshua preach prior to coming to our PIBC Ohana, please feel free to click on WATCH SUNDAY MESSAGES for any of the past messages. If you would like to attend one of the many ministries we have at PIBC please check HERE for any upcoming events or scheduled outings.